Vagabondage by Aaron Rose for Incase

December 6, 2010 |

Incase presents to us the third and final film and photo essay of Aaron Rose named “Vagabondage”. Shot on location in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Berlin and Prague, this intimate film was produced using the iPhone 4 high-definition camera while relying on Incase cases to provide the on-the-go protection that on-location shooting requires.

To many, there is an allure to travel, a romantic freedom, but for Rose it’s like living the life of a vagabond. To fulfill one’s wanderlust doesn’t come without sacrifice, as its greatest risk is the loss of community, a disconnection from friends, lovers and family. This is the film’s underlying theme... Vagabondage also serves as an affectionate celebration of relationships held between Rose and close friends, both old and new, the beauty in what they represent and where they stem from. These personal experiences created through travels far and wide conjure up feelings of sadness, loss, desire and most importantly love.

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Check out the images of the Vagabondage photo essay after the click.

(Click to Enlarge Photos)


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