Shark Boy & Random Stuff

May 28, 2009 |

1. Now i've seen the best pants worn by a very wise Australian. Thanks to The Sartorialist, i learned that an all black ensemble would look extraordinary if you pair it with sea creature-inspired pants. lol.

2. Croc-leather comb case by Hermes was exceptional.(00o00)

3. Roberto Cavalli seems to confuse us about his decisions in selling a stake in his company. "He was planning to sell a 20 percent stake in his company to private-equity firm Clessidra, but apparently it's just dawned on him that this is not a good market to sell in if he doesn't need to."...
(NY Mag)

4. Barcelona - Manchester United (2-0).

5. Barack Obama's hair greyer than ever? "Obama himself admitted while on the election trail last year that he was noticing increasing numbers of grey hairs."...


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