The creativity continues and Missy Vandenberg proudly presents her new set of manly neckties for the season. With inspirations focusing on familiar patterns like the ones we have seen on the past collection, here we get to see the inclusion of studs design, showing a 3D-like effect on the accessory. Majority of these silk ties are woven in England and hand sewn in the USA.

(Click to Enlarge)


Unknown said...

Those Missy Vandenberg silk ties are just gorgeous. Every design is elegant and classy. These are definitely good gift ideas.
silk ties

Mens Ties said...

The ties is in great shape, given its age, and makes a fine example of simplicity in form and function.

Silk Neckties said...


Your style of presentation is very impressive. The design of neckties is an interactive process between weavers and tie manufacturers. Because small quantities in any given pattern and color are produced, and because fabrics can be so complex, tie fabric weaving is seen as an art form by many in the industry.

Silk Neckties said...


Your style of presentation is very impressive. The design of neckties is an interactive process between weavers and tie manufacturers. Because small quantities in any given pattern and color are produced, and because fabrics can be so complex, tie fabric weaving is seen as an art form by many in the industry.

Mens Ties said...

The ties is in great shape, given its age, and makes a fine example of simplicity in form and function.

article said...

Those Missy Vandenberg silk ties are just gorgeous. Every design is elegant and classy. These are definitely good gift ideas.
silk ties

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