Uniforms for the Dedicated was first established in 2007 as a platform for invited musicians, illustrators, and designers in putting down their innovative works. Combining clothing design with art, music and film, the ideology of blending the not-so-far-out aspects perfectly represents their latest collection - 1020 Trickery Lane.

Uniforms for the Dedicated Strikes!
Brought on a raid of organized mischief, the collection of 1020 Trickery Lane embraces the clothing line with a new music release, conceptual artwork, and short film, all under shared project name. On top of it Uniforms for the Dedicated releases this groundbreaking webstore concept - a must take journey!

The new clothing design originates from the classic workingman hero of the post-war, which in conjunction with updated features creates a collective expression of classic garments in strong colors, playful details, and functionality.

More specifically spring 2010 brings washed down shirts, dressed workpants, doctor’s coats, drop needle knitting, and twisted Uniforms artwork; led by illustrating artists Emma Hanquist and Anders Hellman of Uniforms for the Dedicated, tracks from an art strike against Restaurant Riche Stockholm Sweden has been left untouched to be seen throughout the month of April.

Moreover 1020 Trickery Lane brings a new music release to follow up the success of A Play of Nonsense of past fall, now with Adiam Dymott on vocals. Produced by Jayare and Nils Krogh of Uniforms for the Dedicated, official release of single and music video is scheduled end of April. The single will soon be found on Itunes, Spotify and obviously on uniformsforthededicated.com/music

With 1020 Trickery Lane we push for people to let things go and play it out. A journey of occasional madness and fun often leads to overall progress and a more favorable result in the end.” – Lars Johan Hedberg, Creative Co-founder & Communications

In regards to the conception that a playful state of mind fosters creativity, the collective has formed their alter egos of 1020 Trickery Lane, a name that refers to a figurative scene of unexpected mischief, where room for fantastic missteps and grand achievements are created.

Similarly Uniforms for the Dedicated seeks to create a sustainable look rather than keeping up with a general trend. The collective keeps their playful yet functional direction, crossing elements from various forms of design and time periods, all things transformed into an affordable easy-to-wear uniform. It well rhymes with the overall purpose of Uniforms for the Dedicated; various artistic expressions and crossover cooperation under one umbrella.

With that said, whatever mischief each raid or collection may entail, expect a growing bag of trick under the creative umbrella of Uniforms for the Dedicated.

Concept and product images:

(Click to Enlarge Photos)