What's Good on Sunday? Coachella Music Festival

April 18, 2010 |

Honestly, my mind's up with two things, my practicum and... Coachella! Well I first heard this a year ago and didn't mind at all, but when I saw the artists and knew how everything works, I was kind of punched hardly and didn't know what to do. Blame it on the three main tents and continuous favorable artists playing. As 2010 goes up yet with another event for Coachella, I couldn't imagine myself on that place with my iPod buddies playing, LIVE.

Coachella is a critically acclaimed American music festival showcasing many genres of music - alternative rock, hip hop, electronic, to name a few. The annual gathering held at the Empire Polo Fields in Indio California, in the Inland Empire's Coachella Valley, is organized by Goldenvoice. With, what I said, continuous music, the event has several stages/tents set-up to stage artists/bands. The main stages are: Coachella Stage, Outdoor Theatre, Gobi Tent, Mojave Tent, and the Sahara Tent.

As I was hopelessly expecting something similar to Coachella music fest that would be held here in my place, I couldn't help myself but drool over the "tent" lifestyle, the desert mountains, the settling sun, and the get-up-with-your-light-clothes outfit. Okay, I would stop committing suicide over this music fest but DEFINITELY make the event my number 1 priority once I get myself out of College with a degree and save some big bucks.

Well, when you're far from coolness and rely everything on the internet, why not make the most out of it and absorb tips over the official Coachella forum regarding what's vital for you to survive while enjoying to death and not dehydrating nor killing yourself.


1. Sun block

2. water and then more water

3. comfy shoes

4. Choose the right clothing light clothing during the day - long sleeves at night (its a desert)

5. Arrive in a good mood this is going to be a good weekend for you.

6. book hotel or camping spot early

7. Shower (please for the love of god) your neighbors in the crowd will thank you.

8. Eat and take a break, sit down

9. if you don't mind to do so, save the large amounts of alcohol till afterwards, because the sun will kill/drain you.

10. Buy the t shirts/merch you want early (they sell out at night and the lines are very long) Maybe you should get a locker rental?

11. Expect to wait in the morning at the entrance gate in long slow moving lines. Either arrive way early or relax and take your time.

12. Don't be a scarface and try to smuggle crazy ass drugs in there, why lax, they do escort people out from time to time, that would be a bummer of a weekend for you.

13. Don't "push your way" up front. This is kinda important. If there is an artist you want to see, get to that stage while the artist before is still on and just wait it out, you just may end up see something else you like too. In other words, don't be the asshole.

14. Have a physical meeting spot with your party, because your cell phone reception is spotty at best.

15. Move around to the different stage see as much as possible

16. Know that you WILL miss some acts you wanna see.

17. Expect LOTS of traffic to and from festival grounds, patience.

18. Buy your 3 day pass as early as you can. Coachella has sold out in the past, but not every year. PF usually gives a warning of sorts somewhere in the message board, if things are getting close.

19. Don't lose your digital camera, you can take a photo of your contact information and have it on the camera... it could be you holding up a sign with your phone number, email, whatever. (thanks PF). Or get creative like this guy

20. Condoms

21. Stay clear of the beer gardens, they are well away from the stages and over-priced, and boring, you will be missing out on a ton of musical fun.

22. Sleep (with in and outs for 2010, you could even take a nap if you need to, cool)

23. Print out a set times schedule - keep it in your pocket (they will have schedules there, but don't spend forever looking for one)

24. Plan any of your tent signings early, and prepare to wait for your favorite, but don't go nuts at the signing tent, you'll miss lots of music. Artists and the signing tent run way late and there are always cancelations throughout the day.

25. Bring cash

Bonus tips.

26. Don't wear a backpack. Esp in the crowds near any stage. Unless you are working, you should leave it at the hotel, tent, or even a locker. The person behind you will be glad you don't bump them every time you decide to dance a little. Plus, it's one more security check you'll have to do.

27. Hats, might be a good idea for sun protection, but don't wear something obnoxiously big.

28. NEVER text "Where are you?" or any text that requires a response because by the time you get one, your friend won't be where they said they'd be. Also, Text affirmative statements such as "Meet at Sahara Tent at 6:30pm" or "Meet in beer garden by main stage at 8pm". Finally, Time stamp your texts because ambiguous times like "Meet me in 20 minutes" doesn't mean a damn thing. (thanks Weezy F)

29. Give yourself enough time to go from one side of the Polo Grounds to the other. It's a bigger area than you think. (esp. going from the VIP or Main Stage area to the Sahara tent)

30. Sunglasses are also always a good idea.