Inspired by Henry Millers' 1956 novel "Quiet days in Clichy", René Gurskov have tapped in model Mathias to a wonderful journey in Place de Clichy as an American writer/student going in Paris for the first time. An energetic take of stars and numerous prints that brought a new rendition of Americana, there's the overwhelming buoyancy over the old world decadence of the city that collides the new era of adventure.

"In the collection there are a mix of both worlds + glimpses of most worlds.
A piece of stars and stripes remixed by Venezuelan art director Char Alfonzo in New York
Meshweaters with an African stripe designed in Denmark.
To complete the look, paper glasses from Hong Kong designer Ron Wan for Rene Gurskov– now based in Toronto.
Items are skirt like pants; linen jackets tied together, asymmetric tees, bowling shirts, boxershorts and the biggest trackpants."

Highlights: Stars and stripes jacket and trousers, African stripe mesh sweaters, and paper glasses.

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