Artsy Party: Flags by Sara Rahbar

October 18, 2010 |

My next appreciation for arts would revolve around Sara Rahbar’s works this time. Specifically, her flag works have gotten me so interested to know how she did all the mass of so many pieces that made an American flag so modified. “My work is a reflection, an outcome of my 34 years of living my life,” said by the Iranian born artist which I luckily established a connection with. “It’s not this one thing that I can pinpoint that caused it all. It was time and experience after experiences that led me to one day wakeup look at the American flag and see it in a new light, as if I was seeing it for the very first time.”

The flags are greatly inspired by her middle-eastern background which I highly suppose. The addition of tassels, carpet strips, and floral patches have brought in new aura to the star spangled banner, an addition in which gives a united feel over the ironic situation that faces between the two races. Looking through the works, I noticed a great variation of the flags. You’d catch dark or light color amalgamation and the different items used. From the process, it’s nice to know that she doesn’t have to plan greatly on her work but rely it mainly on her instincts, a great basis of ideas in which flickers through her mind and create compelling works.

Sara Rahbar is a contemporary artist living and working in New York City.

More flags after the click.

(Click to Enlarge Photos)


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