55DSL x MTV the 5.5 Senses

November 12, 2010 |

55DSL and MTV have collaborated and teamed up with six artists to present this special project of t-shirts. “Each t-shirt represents one of the five senses — touch, sight, sound, smell, taste — and the last will stand for 55DSL’s special 5.5th sense, an as yet unexplored streetwear experience. Together with MTV we approached six international artists - Alex Trochut (touch),Ilovedust (sight), James Roper (sound), Tei (smell), Yué Wu (taste) and Zeloot (5.5th sense-intuition) – and asked them to represent a sense via their own artistic technique and tongue-in-cheek wit. Each t-shirt will be created using an innovative method and will feature a one-of-a-kind graphic.” The shirts are available at 55DSL and select stores worldwide starting mid December.

Look out for the shirts after the click.

(Click to Enlarge Photos)